… and you’re invited! We can’t do it alone. McHenry’s Soberfest was started by alcoholics like you and I, and continues to be organized by alcoholics like you and I.
We are an AA group that has biweekly business meetings. You are invited to sit in to see how we put it together. And we encourage you to join the group and help out. If you are looking for a service commitment that’s a little bit different, McHenry’s Soberfest might be just the thing.
Feel free to come and attend the Soberfest Committee meeting just to listen or to Volunteer and\or to be a part of the Soberfest Committee!!!
Click here for more detail on each committee position
Meetings are held at the Villa Desiderata Retreat House (address below), every other Wednesday at 7:30 PM. Occasionally we have to move, so check the calendar to see the location.
Villa Desiderata Retreat House
3703 N. Richmond Road
3015 N Bayview Ln, McHenry, IL 60051
Please contact us via email with any questions about locations for upcoming Soberfest Committee Planning Meetings Here