Soberfest is a volunteer, non-profit entity, which shall be autonomous, responsible only to those they serve. The committee is guided by the 36 Principles of Alcoholics Anonymous; The twelve steps, the twelve traditions, and the twelve concepts. (Click here to see the AA General Service Office Guidelines for Conferences and Conventions).
Our central planning committee meets year-round and is divided into a number of subcommittees that are assigned various responsibilities for the planning, preparation, and execution of all events before, during, and after the conference.
We are always in need of volunteers and new committee members. If you are looking for a fun way to be of service, come join us!
For general questions or assistance, please e-mail us at At the conference or the FunRaiser, feel free to approach any committee member wearing a red “COMMITTEE” ribbon.
Soberfest AA Committees
- Alcathon
- Archives
- Chair/Co-Chair
- Coffee
- Entertainment
- Facilities
- Hospitality
- Literature
- Marketing
- Public Information
- Registration
- Secretary
- Speakers
- Step 11 Prayer and Meditation
- Step Workshop
- Technical
- Treasurer
- Volunteer
Soberfest Member’s Expectations
- Members are expected to attend all business meetings in order to contribute to the group conscience; usually held every other week. See our Calendar.
- Members are expected to attend and help out at both AA and Al-Anon “FUNrasier” events, even if your chair position does not have a direct role organizing the event.
- The weekend of the conference all committee members are expected to be present Thursday through Sunday.
- In the spirit of being self-supportive committee members, we are expected to pay any associated fees the same as our guests.
- You are not required to reserve a hotel room for the weekend, but experience has shown that it can be difficult traveling back and forth every day.
- A written report (email, paper, text, etc.) from each chair position is required to be submitted at each business meeting.
The Alcathon committee is responsible for managing the round-the-clock meetings held at the conference as well as recruiting volunteers to lead them all. With up to 74 meetings to coordinate they are always in need of topic ideas and volunteers to lead the meetings! E-mail them here if you would like to volunteer to lead a meeting or if you have an idea for a new meeting topic. As soon as it is finalized, a list of this year’s topics will be available on the schedule page. Communication with the technical committee is required to update the schedule on the website periodically here.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
- Attendance at the Thursday walkthrough for the conference is required for this position.
These are our conference historians. A historical look back at past McHenry’s Soberfest conferences is provided on the Soberfest Archives page. Be sure to visit them at the conference to see their display along with other Areas and Districts Archives that support the conference. This committee is also responsible for coordinating storage facility maintenance, as well as coordinating transportation of all Soberfest archive material to and from the conference. They work with the Volunteers Committee to provide staffing of trusted servants to monitor the materials on display during all open hours of the conference.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
- Attendance at the Thursday walkthrough for the conference is required for this position.
These position holders need to be well versed in the 36 Principles of A.A. and have familiarity with Robert’s Rules of Order (Appendix I) to facilitate our planning meetings. They are the driving force behind keeping our committee on task and closely monitors all phases and development of each committee. The Chair and Co-Chair need to be familiar with every aspect of each subcommittee and be ready to serve when they need help. These are our hosts for the conference. They are charged with carrying “The Message” of Soberfest to the Areas and Districts that support the conference. They are also responsible for creation & maintenance of the Committee Timeline, Calendar, and keeping a record of proposed motions/results.
Both Chair and Co-Chair are considered to be part of the Steering Committee. The Chair and Co-Chair will be required to attend the pre-Conference meeting with the hotel staff on the day prior to the event; typically Thursday afternoon. This will, in all likelihood, necessitate taking time off from work. In addition; it is required that the Chair and Co-Chair be present in the hotel at the beginning of the Conference as well as throughout the weekend. Unselfish and unbiased service to all conference attendees, committee members and volunteers is the primary purpose of these elected positions. The Co-Chair is responsible for managing the Soberfest Google Drive and all documents kept within, as well as the log of all motions made during the year they serve as Co-Chair. Chair to make sure someone goes to Al-anon business meetings and district 11 business meetings.
Please take these requirements into consideration before standing for either position.
- This committee requires a minimum of 5 years of continuous sobriety as Co-Chair and 6 years as Chair at the time of the conference.
- Candidates must have served on the central committee at least 4 consecutive years.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
- Chair and Co-Chair are Steering Committee Members.
- No Past Chair will be considered.
- Attendance at the Pre-conference meeting & Thursday walkthrough is required for this position.
The first responsibility of this committee is to keep us awake at the central committee meetings. They are responsible for providing the coffee and beverages during the A.A. FunRaiser and manning the beverage station at the FunRaiser. They are tasked with ensuring that the coffee and beverages are stocked at the various refreshment stations during the conference. It is crucial to track and manage the quantity of beverages the facility is restocking at every refreshment station throughout the entire conference. Ensure that the Soberfest walkie-talkies are charged and accounted for during the entire weekend. Both the coffee committee chair and co-chair will be required to attend the pre-Conference meeting with the hotel staff on the day prior to the event; typically Thursday afternoon. In addition; the chair and co-chair of the coffee committee will be required to be at the hotel from the beginning of the Conference throughout the weekend. Please take these requirements into consideration prior to standing for either position.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
- Attendance at the Thursday pre-conference meeting and walkthrough is required for this position.
This committee is charged with organizing and running our annual FunRaiser. This entails planning for and obtaining all of the entertainment, speaker, food, door and raffle prizes as well as clean up. Also, inventory and maintenance of the supplies held in storage for the FunRaiser. They need to coordinate with the Volunteers committee to fill service positions for the FunRaiser. Their job is to make sure the event runs smoothly and that a good time is had by all. They are also tasked with coordinating the Friday & Saturday night Invocation, Saturday Night Dance and any additional entertainment during the conference.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
This committee handles all the negotiations with the hotel/resort that hosts our conference. They work with the hotel staff to ensure that all the events of the conference are where and when we need them. Coordination with vendors in preparation for the conference.
The facilities committee also coordinates the guest room accommodations for our speakers and signers and anyone else designated on the “Who Gets What Chart” (Appendix IV-needs link) receiving a complimentary room or other items.
** Both the facilities committee chair and co-chair will be required to meet with the hotel/resort staff periodically during the year (very flexible in scheduling), including attending the pre-Conference meeting and Walk-thru with the hotel staff on the day prior to the Conference; typically, around 3:00 pm, and after the conference to review the final bill. This may, in all likelihood, require taking time off from work. In addition; the chair and co-chair of the facilities committee will be required to be at the hotel from the beginning of the Conference throughout the weekend. Please take these requirements into consideration prior to standing for either position. **
- This committee will require a total of 4 years commitment (2 as co-chair, 2 as chair).
- Attendance at the Thursday Pre-conference meeting & walkthrough is required for this position.
- This committee chair is a member of the Steering Committee.
This committee provides tablecloths, decorations and dessert for the FunRaiser. Prior to the conference this committee arranges for purchase and assembling of the centerpieces for the Saturday night banquet as well as set-up of them Saturday afternoon before the banquet. A budget for decorating is allotted for both events. Hospitality is responsible for coordinating any service workers required to assist with the decorating portion of both these events.
The Hospitality committee is instrumental in coordinating all the groups/volunteers that host the Hospitality Room at the conference. This includes setting up the time slots, confirming with the volunteers in advance, and being available for all 3 days of the conference to monitor the Hospitality Room. Ensure that all hotel rules are being followed for the room. It also requires cleanup and donating leftover food after the conference and coordinating that all items return to storage.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
- Volunteers to help with decorations for these events have no sobriety requirement.
- Attendance at the Thursday walkthrough for the conference is required for this position.
This committee ensures that there is a stock of AA literature available for purchase during the conference. Items are AAWS approved and are ordered from CASO in advance. At least one Soberfest committee member is needed to work this room to monitor the cash drawer while the room is open. Additional volunteers need not be committee members. They also provide a Big Book for the newcomer at the AA FunRaiser, Al-Anon FunRaiser, Saturday Night Banquet. Return all unsold literature to CASO.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
- Attendance at the Thursday walkthrough for the conference is required for this position.
This committee plays an essential role in translating our theme into artwork and putting it into a format suitable for printing the flyers, registration forms and the program. As the conference takes shape, they integrate the schedule information and artwork into the program that is provided at the conference. They are responsible for coordinating all of this activity with the committee and printers to make sure our deadlines are met. They also inventory and/or purchase pens, lanyards, buttons, and badge holders with committee guidance regarding quantities. Experience with graphic design is suggested.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
Public Information
Public Information is responsible for organizing the outreach of the Conference with the help of the committee members. They are also responsible for preparing announcements to be placed in the various newsletters, “The Grapevine”, “4-5-9”, “Conscious Contact” and “IntoAction“. Responsible for the creation, preparation and placement of directional & informational signs and displays including yearly podium sign and banner ribbon for the AA FunRaiser and Conference. Maintenance and inventory of committee badge ribbons. This committee invites a local non-alcoholic professional and their guest to attend the conference and invites other conferences in the vicinity of Soberfest to put up outreach tables at the conference. Organizes committee member participation to outreach at other Conferences and Area meetings. Please contact us with any ideas on how to further get the word out about the conference.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
This committee maintains and backs up the conference database for the annual mailing. The list is based on past years’ registration records. The committee helps to prepare the annual registration form and coordinates the printing and mailing through an outside service. They also work with the Technical Committee on the online registration site and process all advance conference registrations, assign the seating at the banquet and handle all “walk-in” registrants at the conference. This position is charged with the safekeeping and maintenance of the Soberfest registration laptop. Coordination of volunteers to help with creating banquet seating tickets prior to the conference and registration tables throughout the weekend.
- This committee requires a minimum of 2 years continuous sobriety at the time of the conference for co-chair, and 3 years continuous sobriety for the chair.
- It entails a 4-year commitment (2 as co-chair, 2 as chair).
- Attendance at the Thursday Pre-conference meeting & walkthrough is required for this position.
- This committee chair is a member of the Steering Committee
The Secretary maintains written records of all planning committee proceedings and subcommittee reports, prepares and distributes meeting minutes prior to the next committee meeting. Maintains, updates and distributes committee contact information throughout the year. Records attendance of members at every meeting.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
- Attendance at the Thursday Pre-conference meeting is required for this position.
- This committee chair is a member of the Steering Committee.
The Speakers subcommittee is responsible for finding and confirming AA speakers for the current conference year and securing conference speakers for the next 2 year maximum. They are responsible for finding signers for the conference. They are also responsible for selecting a host for each speaker to accommodate the speakers’ needs for the current year. This volunteer host position rotates yearly. Once the speakers have been selected, they assist with travel arrangements for the current year, arrange transportation to and from the airport and ensure that our speakers have proper accommodations at the hotel. Works with the Step Workshop subcommittee to select speakers for Steps 8 & 9 Workshop. Orchestrates the groups that will be hosting any and all panels for the conference. The Speakers committee are the point of contact for Speaker audio vendors or recorders for the FunRaiser and the main conference.
- This subcommittee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
Step 11 Prayer and Meditation
This committee is charged with presenting a space to be used for the practice of Step 11’s Prayer and Meditation. This includes finding volunteers to provide a variety of MIND, BODY & SPIRITUAL practices such as Yoga, Mindful Meditations, and Self-Hypnosis. Organizes the schedule of events for the weekend and works with volunteers subcommittee to help man the room.
- This subcommittee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
- Attendance at the Thursday walkthrough is required for this position.
Step Workshop
This committee handles the preparation and planning of the Step Workshop held all day Saturday and Sunday morning at Soberfest. The Facilitator selects the panelists and helps guide them as they discuss their presentation and share their experience, strength, and hope. These panelist positions rotate yearly. The workshop content is taken from the shared experience of the facilitator and panelists utilizing our basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous. The facilitator participates in every panel during the workshop.
- This committee requires a minimum of 2 years continuous sobriety at the time of the conference for co-chair, 4 years of continuous sobriety for the chair.
- 1-year continuous sobriety for the panelists at the time of the conference.
- ● This subcommittee entails a 4-year commitment (2 as co-chair and 2 as chair.)
- ● Attendance at the Thursday walkthrough is required for this position.
The Technical Committee maintains the Soberfest web site (, maintains Soberfest e-mail accounts, changes passwords, resolves log-in issues, updates domain information, and upgrades software used on the web site. They also upload and help maintain the alcathon schedules and upload the Weekend Program to the website once it is ready. The committee assists in the selection of products and services, such as web hosting and online registration. Online registration processes are shared responsibilities with the Registration committee. Works with the Treasurer subcommittee regarding online registration processes, IT related costs and due dates for various web services.
- Experience with WordPress and WordPress plug-ins is helpful.
- A basic understanding of HTML and CSS is helpful.
- Employment in IT or past experience with web hosting is appreciated.
- This committee requires a minimum of 2 years continuous sobriety at the time of the conference for co-chair, and 3 years continuous sobriety for the chair.
- It entails a 4-year commitment (2 as co-chair, 2 as chair).
- This committee chair is a member of the Steering Committee.
The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining all the records of income and expenses relating to the FunRaiser and the conference utilizing bookkeeping software. Balances internal and external (digital) payments and deposit accounts for the Central Committee. This committee also generates the P&L statement at the conclusion of the FunRaiser and at year end for the Central Committee. They are the point of contact with the storage unit. Works with the Central Committee for final disbursements at year end in accordance with Article X of our By-Laws. The Treasurer is responsible for tax accounting reports and the Illinois State annual report; and for Soberfest’s tax-exempt status (every 4 years) as well as filing registered agent paperwork annually. Responsible for appointing a registered agent for a minimum of two consecutive years (preferably for four-year increments). The treasurer is also responsible for the timely and accurate filing of all State and Federal taxes through a registered Accountant. Responsible for maintaining both directors’ and officers’ liability insurance and event coverage policy for the weekend of the conference and other events as needed. In addition, the treasurer and co-treasurer will be required to be at the hotel from the beginning of the Conference throughout the weekend. Must be familiar with or willing to learn Quickbooks software.
- This committee requires a minimum of 5 years continuous sobriety at the time of the conference for co-chair, and 6 years continuous sobriety for the chair.
- It entails a 4-year commitment (2 as co-chair, 2 as chair).
- Computer skills, attention to detail, and knowledge of basic accounting principles are required.
- Candidates must have served on the central committee at least 4 consecutive years.
- The Treasurer and Co-Treasurer are members of the Steering Committee.
- Attendance at the Pre-conference meeting & Thursday walkthrough is required for this position.
- The treasurer position is not eligible for concurrent terms.
This Committee coordinates volunteers to work assigned time slots for the spring and fall fundraisers and during Soberfest weekend in November. Establishes a volunteer schedule and makes reminder calls. Works with other committee chairs to determine times needed. A great job for a person who attends a lot of meetings or doesn’t mind attending new meetings and spreading the word! The committee chair mentors the Volunteer Co-Chair.
The Volunteer Co-Chair assists the Volunteer Chair in any way possible. Helps coordinate volunteers and maintains a schedule. The Volunteer Co-Chair takes over as chairperson the following year.
During Soberfest weekend duties include coordination of volunteers for the following:
- Greeters – Greeters welcome incoming registrants in the lobby of the Grand Geneva. Need two greeters on duty at a time for two-hour shifts. Friday 3 pm to 9 pm and Saturday 2 pm to 6 pm.
- Banquet Ticket Checkers – several volunteers needed to verify tickets and direct people to corresponding entrances. Needed Saturday 6 pm to 8 pm.
- Hall monitors – to reduce noise during Ballroom meetings/speakers and keep the back of the room clear. Friday 6:45 pm to 9 pm; Saturday 9:30 am to 2:30 pm; and Sunday 10-11 am.
- Assist the Alcathon Committee – to fill open Alcathon meeting chairperson slots – especially for late overnight hours.
- Assist the Archives and Literature Committees – with volunteers to fill open time slots or cancelations in the Archives / Literature room. Need to find willing Soberfest Committee members or Volunteers Committee members to fill open time slots as there is the requirement to handle money in the Archives / Literature room.
- This committee requires a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference.
- It entails a 2-year commitment (1 as co-chair, 1 as chair).
Please see Appendix III Service & Sobriety Requirements (link in progress) in our By-Laws for details.
Unless otherwise noted, all committee positions require a minimum of 1-year continuous sobriety at the time of the conference. They are 2-year commitments; with the first as co-chair and the second year as chair.
*Exceptions as follows:
- Treasurer – 2 years as chair, 2 years as co-chair
- Registration – 2 years as chair, 2 years as co-chair
- Facilities – 2 years as chair, 2 years as co-chair
- Technical Support – 2 years as chair, 2 years as co-chair
- Step Workshop – 2 years as chair, 2 years as co-chair